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Thermal Neuromodulation, where hot and/or cold fluid energy is driven to areas of deeply aggravating pelvic pain. Enjoy the ULTIMATE experience in the safety of your home. H3Pelvic, providing the dignity that you deserve.
While watching TV, sitting in your bed, or working from your home office. The H3 gently delivers maximum relief for hours at a time.
"Time Resolving" therapy - all in the privacy of your home.
"H3pelvic has been a "Godsend" in my post-surgical recovery. It targets the EXACT location of my pain. A post surgical very painful fistula site in my case, it perfectly hit the spot with a durable long-lasting and consistent temperature.... As a physical therapist myself in the field of geriatric care, my heart over-fills with joy when my patients find sustainable pain relief. H3Pelvic will only grow and grow because of the variety of painful, stubborn and "unreachable" ailments that pelvic pain"
"I was using hot and cold therapy before I saw your device and had tried other prostate pain relief remedies. I am familiar with this type of treatment for prostatitis pain relief and am doing it under advice from my urologist and my physical therapist. I attempted to do this via hot soaks and ice packs... But since the hot tub soaks were very inconvenient, I often skipped them. With your (H3) device it really helps with pain relief prostatitis because I can sit and watch TV and relax."
"I wanted to share something with all of you that has helped me with my IC (Interstitial Cystitis) and pelvic floor pain. It is a machine that allows me to use heat/cold contrasting and it has helped me tremendously.
It goes way beyond a heating pad or a cold pack. Any time that I find anything that helps me, I want to share it with others who suffer from this condition!"
"The device without question, I believe has altered my life. I went from being a shell of my former self, trapped in my home all day, normally in the bathroom, and depressed; now I can go to class, I go on evening outdoor excursions, and have date nights, friends over, and even board game nights.
The best use for me is the cold setting with the “special device”. This special device numbs my bladder, so I do not have to worry about bladder spasm for about 4 to 6 hours. The heat is also helpful are for my vulvodynia.
I cannot put a price on what this machine has done to help me and what it has given back to me. I have searched the internet at length and I have never heard of this machine or looked at the science that backs it. Without this solution, I would have never known how much of my life I could get back.
Toward the end I was suicidal and this machine played a large part in not just figuratively saving my life but also literally"
"I have had to use all sorts of combinations of apparatus and medicines to try to alleviate the perineum pain and spasms that affect my pudendal nerve. The first time I tried this device -
I noticed an immediate relief!
The warm flowing water through the membrane brings a unique sensation, wet heat, that is so much more effective than a heating pad. This device really helped my muscle cramping in a way that I had not experienced before.
The H3 pelvic device is also a quick and direct way to relieve severe menstrual cramps, without medication. No Midol, no Tiger Balm, or muscle relaxers - This thing really works!
I'm so grateful to have this awesome device. Just knowing I can sit comfortably anywhere in my home and either read, watch TV, or crochet while experiencing relief from my pain and spasms without always having to take multiple medications, is a wonderful feeling."
"Yes ABSOLUTELY, I would recommend the H3. Trust me - when I'm in a flare-up and I need the heat - I REALLY NEED IT. I do anything and everything to get heat to my junk (scrotum, gonads). In that circumstance, I am blessed to have the H3.
I have sat in very hot baths to get relief and I need the same from the H3. In my case, warm temps of (106F-110F) does not cut it for me." The only way I get relief in those awful times is SUSTAINED high heat (range of 116F – 118F). I listen to my body and this is what it tells me that I need."
**Disclaimer - H3Pelvic Therapy Systems does not endorse temps above 109.4F (43C) for durations over 15 minutes**
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